The following addresses may be contacted for ongoing tutoring:

for the degree course in Languages and Literatures for Intercultural Communication (L-11), the degree course in Foreign Languages and Cultures L-11 ( limited), the master’s degree course in Languages and Literatures for Teaching and Translation (LM-37) and the master’s degree course in Intercultural Literature and Translation LM-37 (limited) by e-mail: Link identifier
for the degree course in Linguistic and Cultural Languages and Mediation (L-12) and the master’s degree course in Modern Languages for International Communication (LM38): e-mail: Link identifier

For updates and further communication, two Teams groups dedicated to peer tutoring have been set up, which students can join using the following codes:

CdL L11: g601xjw

CdL L12: noj6bnd

The tutors hold regular one-to-one meetings (each lasting 20 minutes) that are only held upon request. Appointments must be made through the following links:

CdL L11: Link identifier #identifier__149738-3 

CdL L12: Link identifier #identifier__26979-4

When booking a one-to-one appointment, you can choose between two time slots (morning and afternoon), depending on availability.

In the booking form, please fill in the field “Brief description of the reason for requesting assistance” to facilitate the tutors’ preparation work.Appointments are held, exclusively on the days and times indicated on the booking form, in room 109 of the building in Via del Valco di San Paolo, 19.

Whom is the service addressed to:
New students: the tutors are specialised in freshman orientation, to help students settle into their new university environment from the moment of their enrolment until the first exam session.
Enrolled students: all those enrolled in the degree courses offered by the Department of LLCS can turn to the tutors at any time, because orientation also serves to consolidate or redirect their choices, with the help of the experience of those who have already completed the same course.


Link identifier #identifier__72395-5Link identifier #identifier__81078-6Link identifier #identifier__10445-7Link identifier #identifier__147237-8
agrassi 27 November 2023