Double and Joint Degree Programmes

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Joint and Double degree programmes are issued by attending “integrated” courses of study in partner universities. The qualification is recognised in all the countries of the universities involved in the agreement

Agreements among universities for the issuing of joint degree are supported by european programmes (Erasmus Mundus) and non-european programmes.

Double and Joint Degree Programmes held by the Department

Master’s degree in Lexicography – EMLEX

Master’s degree course in Link identifier #identifier__126060-2Modern languages for international communication is member of an association of European universities which set off the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree, Link identifier #identifier__169760-3 Lessicografia EMLex

Link identifier #identifier__110185-4Link identifier #identifier__5440-5Link identifier #identifier__75875-6Link identifier #identifier__63759-7
mpetricone 17 June 2024