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Uniromatre Summer School of Audiovisual Translation (USSAT)

The USSAT project was developed in 2020 within the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures on the initiative of Gian Luigi De Rosa.

Decades of experience in the organization of audiovisual translation courses and in the management of another academic Summer School in Italy were the preconditions for starting this new adventure.

The first initiative that can be ascribed to the USSAT project was the exhibition of Portuguese-language short films Lusomovies, (Link identifier #identifier__195210-2, held on 14 May 2021, whose main feature was the participation of Portuguese students as translators and subtitlers.

Lusomovies will have a second edition in 2022, presenting itself as the Portuguese language short film Festival, including the possibility for students in the room to award the public prize.

The Third edition will be held on 30 May 2023 at the Auditorium Glauber Rocha of the Instituto Guimarães Rosa of Brazilian Embassy in Piazza Navona, Rome.



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rrizzuto 30 March 2023