This post is also available in Link identifier #identifier__140872-1Link identifier #identifier__73543-9Link identifier #identifier__96524-4Link identifier #identifier__257-1Italian
The programme begins in the first semester and the deadline for candidates is in September (the deadline for registration is announced every year in the Student Portal) The admission applications must be filled out through the Link identifier #identifier__110902-2Student Portal web site of Roma Tre University setting the precise dates (of start and expiration).
The call for admission for Erasmus Mundus scholarships will be published in December. The deadline for submitting applications is usually at the end of February. For further information: Link identifier
For further information on admission requirements on degree programmes and on Erasmus Mundus scholarships, please consult the following website: Link identifier #identifier__44618-4www.emlex.phil.fau. eu/erasmus-mundus/erasmus-mundus-scholarship