Program 2023

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The 2023 USSAT edition is made up of six individuals study courses  that on the one hand do not duplicate the courses offered by Roma Tre University, but complement them, on the other hand offer at reasonable prices courses usually available only in private structures at definitely higher costs.

Participants can choose to attend a course for each scheduled time.

The study courses that will be activated in the 2023 edition are the following:

  • Subtitling English/French-Italian
  • Subtitling Portuguese/Spanish-Italian
  • Subtitling Chinese/Italian (minimum 5 students enrolled)
  • Subtitling Italian/Romanian (minimum 5 students enrolled)
  • Subtitling for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing audiences
  • Translation for videogames

Teaching method

Blended: the courses will be delivered in-person in the week of stay at Roma Tre, remote follow up activities are planned after the stay at Roma Tre.

Upon completion of the course, a questionnaire useful for taking possible corrective actions in subsequent editions, will be sent to check the opinion of the participants.

Teaching language

Italian and the language foreseen in each module

Admission requirements

  • Enrollment in a bachelor degree course; it is required language proficiency level B2/C1 to participate in the chosen module.
  • Possession of a bachelor’s degree; it is required language proficiency level B2/C1 to participate in the chosen module.
  • Self-declaration of language proficiency level B2/C1 required to participate in the chosen module (for the module G you must refer to English)

Organization of didactic modules

From 4 to 8 September 2023  Timetable   Subject  Participants  
9:00 A.M.-01:00 P.M.
C) Videogame localization  Sala INFO 1Via del Valco di San Paolo, 19
02:00 P.M.-07:00 P.M.

D) Chinese to Italian subtitle translation(Lezioni di 5 ore nei giorni 4, 6, 7 e 8 settembre 2023)N.B.: il modulo si attiva, se si raggiungono almeno 5 iscritti

Sala INFO 2Via del Valco di San Paolo, 19

B) Portuguese and Spanish to Italian subtitle translation
(Lezioni di 5 ore nei giorni 4,6, 7 e 8 settembre 2023

Sala INFO 1Via del Valco di San Paolo, 19


From 11 to 15 September 2023  Timetable    Subject  Participants     
9:00 A.M.-01:00 P.M. A) English and French to Italian subtitle translation Sala INFO 1Via del Valco di San Paolo, 19
02:00 P.M.-06:00 P.M. F) Subtitling for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing audiences (Italian/Italian) Sala INFO 1Via del Valco di San Paolo, 19


Enrollment fee

The enrollment fee is 360,00 Euros to be paid in full in a single instalment.

Deadline for the payment: 15 July 2023

The fixed stamp tax and the fee for the issuing of the diploma shall be added to the amount of the  instalment

The enrollment fees will not be refunded in case of voluntary renunciation or in the event of failure to complete the documentation required for registration to the Course.

Exemption from enrollment fees

  • Students with a recognized disability rate of 66% or higher and those who are in a condition of disability with recognition of disability within the meaning of Article 3, paragraphs 1 and 3, of Law 5 February 1992, n. 104 have the right to be totally exempt from paying fees if the total number of disabled students for each course does not exceed 2. In order to benefit from the exemption, it is necessary to include with the application for admission an invalidity certificate issued by the competent health institution indicating the recognized percentage.
  • For each module, there is admission to more than a maximum number of n. 2 students from disadvantaged areas or developing countries. The enrolment for these students is free of charge. Students attending the courses are required to pay the fee for the issuing of the final certificate and the fixed stamp fee. The provisions of the law on the admission of students having a foreign qualification apply for the enrolment of the aforementioned students.
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mpetricone 11 January 2024