QualificaProfessore Ordinario
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareGSPS-04/B
Cellulare aziendale81172
IndirizzoVia del Valco di San Paolo 19
  • Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere
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Profilo INSEGNAMENTI Prodotti della ricerca Avvisi Ricevimento e materiale didattico

Contributo in Rivista

  • NATO and the CSDP after the Ukraine War: The End of European Strategic Autonomy?, RATTI, LUCA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_14771-1 Dettaglio
  • La NATO, gli USA e l’UE: presente e futuro di un complesso equilibrio internazionale, RATTI, LUCA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_195031-2 Dettaglio
  • The Anglo-American Special Relationship and West Germany’s Eastern Policy from ‘Bridge-Building’ and Vietnam to Ostpolitik, RATTI, LUCA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_163186-3 Dettaglio
  • Reviving flexible response: An assessment of NATO’s Russian strategy on the Alliance’s 70th anniversary, RATTI, LUCA, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_90962-4 Dettaglio
  • Seth A. Johnson, ‘How NATO adapts: strategy and organization in the Atlantic Alliance since 1950’, RATTI, LUCA, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_37553-5 Dettaglio
  • ‘The Future of NATO: Regional Defense and Global Security’ di Michta Andrew A. e Hilde Paal Sigurd (eds), Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, RATTI, LUCA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_169293-7 Dettaglio
  • Il Dialogo NATO-Russia a 50 anni dal rapporto Harmel, RATTI, LUCA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_190378-8 Dettaglio
  • International Relations Theory and NATO’s Post-Cold War Path: an Ongoing Debate, RATTI, LUCA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_148720-9 Dettaglio
  • NATO and Russia 50 Years after the Harmel Report, RATTI, LUCA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_135033-10 Dettaglio
  • H-Diplo Roundtable XVII, 26 on NATO and Western Perceptions of the Soviet Bloc. Alliance analysis and reporting, 1951-69, RATTI, LUCA, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_138826-11 Dettaglio
  • 'NATO e Russia dopo Maidan: crisi e prospettive', RATTI, LUCA, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_178253-12 Dettaglio
  • Roundtable Review and Response"Transatlantic Relations in the 21st century", RATTI, LUCA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_28892-13 Dettaglio
  • Stepping up to Reintegration: French Security Policy between Transatlantic and European Defence during and after the Cold War, RATTI, LUCA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_75012-14 Dettaglio
  • ‘Resetting’ NATO–Russia Relations: A Realist Appraisal Two Decades after the USSR, RATTI, LUCA, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_92481-15 Dettaglio
  • All Aboard the Bandwagon? Structural Realism and Italy's international role, RATTI, LUCA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_91683-16 Dettaglio
  • Back to the Future? International relations theory and NATO-Russia Relations since the end of the Cold War, RATTI, LUCA, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_4555-17 Dettaglio
  • L'Alleanza Atlantica a sessant'anni dal trattato di Washington, RATTI, LUCA, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_187856-18 Dettaglio
  • From partnership to confrontation? The Atlantic Alliance and the Russian Federation from the NATO-Russia Council to the Georgian conflict, RATTI, LUCA, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_120085-19 Dettaglio
  • NATO’s developing role in the Mediterranean and greater Middle East: out of area but not out of business, RATTI, LUCA, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_36189-20 Dettaglio
  • NATO’s evolution since the end of the Cold War: the case for neo-classical realism, RATTI, LUCA, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_40968-21 Dettaglio
  • NATO's developing role in the Mediterranean and Greater Middle East, RATTI, LUCA, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_87842-22 Dettaglio
  • NATO's role in the construction of peace outside the Euro-Atlantic area: from the Cold War to the war on terror, RATTI, LUCA, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_125729-23 Dettaglio
  • Post-Cold War NATO and International Relations Theory: the Case for Neo-classical realism, RATTI, LUCA, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_22452-24 Dettaglio
  • Italian diplomacy in the NATO enlargement process, RATTI, LUCA, , 2001Link identifier #identifier_person_53099-25 Dettaglio


  • RATTI, LUCA, Case Studies in International Security: From the Cold War to the crisis of the New international Order, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_59908-26Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, A Not-So-Special Relationship: The US, the UK and German Unification, 1945-1990, 2017 Link identifier #identifier_person_17169-27Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Britain, Ost- and Deutschlandpolitik, and the CSCE (1955-1975), 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_59342-28Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, ‘Italy and NATO enlargement to the Balkans: An examination of realist theoretical frameworks’ (Rome, Carocci: 2004), pp. 223, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_195546-29Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Italy and NATO expansion to the Balkans, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_55358-30Dettaglio

Contributo in volume e atti di convegno

  • RATTI, LUCA, Il perimetro esterno dell'Alleanza: l'art. 6 del Patto Atlantico dalla Guerra fredda al Ventunesimo secolo, pp. 195 206, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_199517-31Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, NATO after Russia’s full-blown invasion of Ukraine: a neoclassical realist analysis, pp. 83 102, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_144115-32Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Realism, pp. 21 35, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_135218-33Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, The Enduring Relationship between NATO and European Integration, pp. 308 344, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_56860-34Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, La special relationship anglo-americana dalla fine della Guerra fredda alla ‘nuova’ Carta Atlantica’, pp. 83 94, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_122608-35Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Russia ed Europa dopo la fine della Guerra fredda. Dalla mancata riconciliazione allo scontro, pp. 22 26, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_104311-36Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, The Role of NATO in European integration, pp. 109 131, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_178442-37Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, The European Union’s CSDP: the Great Illusion, vol. 3, pp. 166 173, 2021 Link identifier #identifier_person_57571-38Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Italy and NATO in the 21st century: still a formidable partnership?, pp. 188 206, 2020 Link identifier #identifier_person_174026-39Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, A not so special relationship: The U.S., the UK, and German unification, pp. 369 414, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_180561-40Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, A not so special relationship: The U.S., the UK,and German unification, pp. 369 414, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_134943-41Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Introduction, pp. 9 14, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_121991-42Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Stephan Kieninger, Dynamic Detente. The United States and Europe, 1964-1975, Harvard Cold War Studies Book Series (Lanham, 2016: Rowman and Littlefield, 2016), 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_76170-43Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, After Maidan: Re–Starting NATO–Russia Relations, pp. 45 64, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_16093-44Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Conclusion: NATO's retrenchment?, pp. 321 331, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_141209-45Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Introduction: A new Paradigm for NATO?, pp. 1 23, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_119929-46Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, NATO-Russia relations after 9/11: new challenges, old issues, vol. 1, pp. 258 277, 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_88902-47Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Changing Perceptions of the Transatlantic Alliance? Italy, France, Germany and NATO since the end of the Cold War, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_142180-48Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Italy as a Multilateral Actor: The Inescapable Destiny of a Middle Power, vol. 1, pp. 123 140, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_20174-49Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Britain, the German question, and the CSCE (1955-1975), pp. 83 97, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_11866-50Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Security and Defence policies in Old and New Europe, pp. 183 194, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_99977-51Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Security and Defense Policy in Old and New Europe, pp. 183 194, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_8528-52Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Defence Policy, pp. 26 38, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_66729-53Dettaglio
  • RATTI, LUCA, Foreign Policy, pp. 17 25, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_22569-54Dettaglio