Mobilità docenti

Programma Erasmus+: Teaching Staff Mobility (Incoming)

Programma Erasmus+:  Teaching Staff Mobility (Outgoing)

Link identifier #identifier__21217-1

Il bando di mobilità per i docenti di Roma Tre viene pubblicato ogni anno (per l’a.a. 2019-2020 la scadenza era il 30.9.2019).

Per ulteriori informazioni: Link identifier

Programma Erasmus+ KA107 – progetti di didattica internazionale e mobilità extraeuropea

Ad oggi il Dipartimento partecipa ai seguenti progetti Erasmus+ KA107 (Project 2019-1-IT-02-KA107—061310) che prevedono oltre alla mobilità studentesca quella dei docenti:

  • Sudafrica: Link identifier #identifier__88446-3Università di Stellenbosch e altri 7 partner europei (2019-2022)
    Mobilità studenti e docenti (docente di riferimento: Martina Nied)
  • Bosnia-Erzegovina: Link identifier #identifier__33486-4Università di Banja-Luka (2019-2022)
    Mobilità studenti e docenti (docente di riferimento: Laura Piccolo)

Scambio di docenti tra Roma Tre e l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (per l’a.a. 2019-2020 la scadenza era il 21.05.2019)

Per ulteriori informazioni:
Ufficio Politiche Internazionali di Ateneo: Link identifier

Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training

Link identifier #identifier__100471-6

Each year the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures welcomes a number of colleagues from partner universities (in the framework of Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training, see Link identifier #identifier__109483-7Visiting Professor). We are very glad to host foreign colleagues, who enrich the offer of our courses, share different teaching experiences and methodological approaches, while contributing to the creation of best practises.

We receive a lot of requests to visit our Department for teaching and training mobility. In order to satisfy your wishing to come, we kindly ask you to consider the following suggestions before making your requests:

  1. Check the existence of an agreement between our Department and your University
  2. Check our Link identifier #identifier__172620-8Academic calendar when you plan your visit
  3. Check objectives and programmes of our courses: your teaching offer should be suitable to them
  4. Contact our Erasmus Departmental Coordinators: Link identifier #identifier__57594-9Laura Piccolo and Link identifier #identifier__94177-10Simona Corso (LCS GROUP: Lingue e Culture Straniere) or Link identifier #identifier__51632-11Susanne Lippert and Link identifier #identifier__31412-12Donato Cerbasi (LL GROUP: Lingue e Linguistica); for general information you can also contact our Erasmus offices: Link identifier

Erasmus+ KA107 (Project 2019-1-IT-02-KA107—061310)

Please see the instructions about Erasmus+ Mobility for Teaching. Further information will be published when the Call opens.  About the programs see Link identifier #identifier__160817-14Programma Link identifier #identifier__148481-15Erasmus+ KA107.

Link identifier #identifier__158041-16Link identifier #identifier__42289-17Link identifier #identifier__23092-18Link identifier #identifier__148786-19
mpetricone 21 Giugno 2024